Wholesome Homemade Cereal

Wholesome Homemade Cereal

Start your day off right with this nutrient packed breakfast. This healthy recipe includes something from each food group for a balanced and energizing start to your day. It will help fill you up and keep you satisfied until lunch. Plus, it is packable. Throw your mixture in a mason jar and you have a healthy breakfast to grab and go on a busy morning.

Turkey Meatloaf with Nuts and Seeds

Turkey Meatloaf with Nuts and Seeds

Turkey Meatloaf with Nuts and Seeds. The combination of raw nuts and ground turkey adds a pleasant crunch and nutty flavor to this lofty protein meal. Turkey’s impressive source of protein extends far beyond holiday celebrations. When turkey leftovers are available, consider this flavorsome alternative to switching it up. Turkey meat is a great source…

Raw Kale Salad

Raw Kale Salad

Raw Kale Salad. Kale is so good for you and is considered a superfood due to its many health-promoting properties. Kale is descendent of the wild cabbage, which is why it is similar to other cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, mustard greens, brussels sprouts and bok choy. All cruciferous vegetables are known for their…

Almond Breakfast Pancakes

Almond Breakfast Pancakes

Almond flour is a healthy alternative to a gluten-free diet and is low in carbohydrates, high in fiber and provides a high source of protein. Almond flour is not the same as almond meal. Almond meal is made by grinding almonds with their skins, making it much coarser than almond flour.

Strawberry Porridge

Frozen Strawberry Porridge

This healthy hearty dish can be enjoyed as a healthy breakfast, snack or dessert! It is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth while packing in nutrient-power. Strawberries nourish your body with an array of essential nutrients such as antioxidants known as polyphenols, vitamins and minerals that help keep you healthy and vibrant.