It is my mission to liberate my patients by opening a new path to healing. With compassionate empathy as my underpinning, I am proud to offer genuine healing services to my patients. My patients’ successes are my greatest rewards. It is an honor to empower you with health and vitality.

Is Fish Oil Good for you

Is Fish Oil Good for you?

Have you jumped on the fish oils bandwagon yet? Maybe you are on the fence, however, the importance of fish oils for optimal health cannot be overstated. The best news, especially for baby boomers looking for the “fountain of youth” is the growing evidence that suggests omega-3 fatty acids affect our telomeres and DNA which could potentially reduce the signs of aging. Coupled with other benefits for improved fat burning, diminished heart disease, more brainpower and not to mention better skin and hair too.

Gut Health

How Would You Rate Your Gut Health?

When your gut isn’t healthy you are likely to have some initial symptoms that if left alone can spiral out of control, leaving you feeling unable to cope with your life in general. Are there too many red flags that signal your gut needs help? Have you looked at your diet or lifestyle as a first precaution to reduce your symptoms? Perhaps you are dealing with more severe issues such as SIBO or in need of the GAPS diet. Get healthy and back to your life.

Health Benefits Bone Broth

Health Benefits of Bone Broth

Grandma did it…so why shouldn’t we? Although the use of bone and animal parts has been used for thousands of years around the globe, in our modern world animal parts such as the bones and marrow, tendons, ligaments, skin, and feet have often been discarded. It is well known that bone broth has lots to offer in terms of astounding health benefits and healing. Adding broth to your daily diet can have profound effects on your overall health.

Bone Broth Recipe

Bone Broth Recipe

Cooking bone broth brings back many traditional memories and it is easy to get started with this recipe. First, you will have to head over to your local butcher to purchase your bones. It will be well worth your efforts as bone broth is one of the most nutrient-dense foods. It is one of the best healing foods for digestive disorders, inflammation, immune system, joint and muscles, detoxification and many other health conditions. Bone broth is restorative for the whole body, mind and spirit!

brain health

Brain Health – Brain Boosting Foods

It is important to note that our brains are always changing in a process called neuroplasticity or “brain plasticity” as we age. This plasticity determines the ability of the brain to modify its connections or rewire itself. Eating well and following a healthy lifestyle is good for your mental as well as your physical health. Learn about ‘8 Brain-Boosting’ foods and the best brain supplements to keep your grey matter happy and healthy.

Inflammation - The Root Cause of Chronic Disease

Inflammation: The Root of Chronic Disease

The development of inflammation is multifaceted and can sneak up on us. A combination of an anti-inflammatory diet, avoidance of food allergens, and lifestyle can be powerful in controlling inflammation. A combination of herbs, nutrients and natural remedies that modulate the immune response is important. Tipping the balance — away from pro-inflammatory, toward anti-inflammatory — can feel like an overnight miracle!

Golden Milk Recipe -Turmeric

Golden Milk Recipe (Turmeric)

‘Golden Milk’ has been getting enormous popularity these days — and for good reason! There are many healing ingredients used in this Golden Milk Recipe. However, the star ingredient is turmeric, which gives this popular beverage its ultra-healing benefits and its bright golden color. Most everyone can benefit from using turmeric in recipes and its an easy and effective way to fit in this ‘golden gem.’ The health-promoting effects are vast and worthy of all the merits!


Best Tea for a Cold and Flu

Has a cold or flu got you down? Sipping on a warm cup of herbal tea may be just your cup of tea! Herbal teas used for cold and flu not only help to eliminate the chill but help to alleviate post nasal drip, sinus congestion, sore throats, and fevers. There are many herbs that help to ward off cold and flu viruses and can easily be added to this ‘best tea for a cold’ recipe. I’ve listed some of the most popular herbs you can add to this recipe to boost your immune system and ward off colds and flu. Happy tea time!

Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky Gut Syndrome or increased intestinal permeability – is a complex, chronic, debilitating condition which is the result of damage to the intestinal lining. People with leaky gut often suffer from multiple health issues such as digestive symptoms, seasonal allergies, food sensitivities and intolerances, autoimmune disease, chronic fatigue, joint pain and even depression. The best strategy to heal the gut is by avoiding inflammatory foods, including gluten and by adding healing supplements and gut loving foods.

12 Foods That Cleanse and Detoxify

12 Foods That Cleanse and Detoxify

Change the way you look and feel by following a healthy diet and adding a whole body cleanse with the right foods. Cleanse your body by eating certain foods during your cleanse to maximize your efforts. But why wait till you do a detox? Why not, get a natural body cleanse every day with foods that cleanse your liver, your colon and blood. Find out what foods to avoid when detoxing and every day for health-promoting effects.