Prebiotics and Probiotics

Prebiotics and Probiotics: Your Gut Buddies!

Prebiotics are essentially active compounds that help feed the friendly good bacteria in your gut. Probiotics can aid in digestion and keep your gut happy! There can be as many as 500 species of these bacteria and some are good, and some are bad. A lot goes on in your gut and it is a delicate space. Life’s stressors such as too little sleep, high consumption of processed and sugary foods can have a negative impact on your gut microbiome. Let’s see how you can eat your way to a healthier gut!

Gut-Brain Connection

The Gut-Brain Connection – It Is Not All In Your Head

Ever heard of the phrase “gut feeling”? That’s because the health of your gut is intimately intertwined with the health of your brain. The communication between these two organs in your body is called the gut-brain axis. The vagus nerve is one of the largest nerves connecting your gut and your brain. It is also the longest and most complex of the 12 pairs of cranial nerves that emanate from the brain. Learn simple vagus nerve stimulation techniques that you can start now.

Vitamin C-rich Foods

20 Best Vitamin C-rich Foods

Vitamin C is well known as a powerful antioxidant. It plays a critical role in the healthy growth and maintenance of your tissues and cells. Your body needs Vitamin C to synthesize collagen and build connective tissues. Vitamin C also helps keep your bones strong and healthy and this includes your pearly whites. Most importantly, the wellbeing of your immune system depends on Vitamin C. Here are 20 best vitamin C-rich foods and your FREE download of delicious recipes packed with this vital nutrient.

Boost Immune System

21 Best Foods to Boost Your Immune System

It is important to keep your immune system in tip-top shape all the time because your body needs to be ready to defend itself when the time comes. Diet and lifestyle choices can impact how your immune system performs as you age. So you need to do what you can to make sure that your immune system is always in good shape. Eating a primarily plant-based diet is a good place to start. When it comes to boosting your immune system, you will want to focus on these foods.


How to Naturally Prevent Coronavirus Infection

There has been so much news about the coronavirus and specifically the COVID-19 virus lately. Are you overwhelmed by the amount of information you are hearing? Learn more about what this virus is all about, what are its symptoms, how it spreads, and how you can protect yourself against the virus. Get natural remedies you can do to help you recover quickly if you do get sick. Find practical steps to lower your risks and boost your immune system with diet, natural supplements, and lifestyle. Be proactive!

Matcha green tea

Matcha – Green Tea at Its Best

Zen Buddhist monks have long known about the secrets of living long, stress-free lives. One of their secrets is drinking matcha green tea. But they aren’t the only ones indulging with this beverage. Even coffee lovers are switching up their cappuccinos and mocha lattes for a great cup of matcha, which while traditionally is a hot beverage, can also be made into an iced beverage. Matcha green tea is a great choice for those seeking optimal health benefits. Here are 12 good reasons to make matcha part of your regular diet.

Tea Primer and Health Benefits

A Tea Primer and Health Benefits

Afternoon teatime is probably one of my favorite ways to catch up with friends or just to catch up with myself. But choosing a good tea can be as complex as or maybe more so than choosing a good coffee. There are thousands of different kinds of teas, each with their own individual appearance, taste, and aroma. The many antioxidant protection from drinking tea is one of the benefits gained for many people, including myself. So relax with your favorite cup of tea and enjoy the health benefit!

Functional Nutritionist

When Should You Work with a Functional Nutritionist?

Do you have questions about functional nutrition counseling? A functional nutritionist trained in Functional Medicine has an approach that goes much further and can include advanced laboratory testing, therapeutic dietary and supplement plans, and lifestyle interventions. It is a multi-facet approach that takes into consideration your whole person. If you want a customized program just for you, engaging a functional nutritionist with a holistic and integrative approach is the way to go.

GMO Awareness

GMO Awareness: What You Need to Know

What is GMO? Learn what GMO is and what it means to the food you put on your dinner table. Discover the impact it might have on your health and your loved ones. It is estimated that as much as 75% of all food products (processed and unprocessed) sold in our grocery stores contain GMO ingredients. Discover the truths and myths about GMO products, and how to identify and avoid them. Be in the know and get helpful resources to make your dinner table a safer place to eat.

Coffee vs Tea: How to Choose?

Should you drink coffee or a cup of tea? Could be a toss-up. Hot or cold, caffeinated or not, these two drinks have some great health benefits and some downsides. Drinking coffee is such a daily ritual for so many of us. On the flip side, here’s to the tea lovers of the world. If you are sensitive to caffeine, how much are you taking in when you drink coffee vs tea. Whether into coffee or tea, quality does matter too. Be in the know so you can go ahead and enjoy your coffee or have a fun tea party. Totally worth it!