Peripheral Neuropathy

Causes and Treatments of Peripheral Neuropathy

Over 20 million Americans suffer from some form of pain, tingling, and numbness in the hands, arms, feet, and legs – all of which can progress and cause continual discomfort for years. This condition is known as neuropathy and it is quite complex. Fortunately, with lifestyle and dietary changes along with some supplementation, neuropathy can be kept under control and you can enjoy a pain-free life. Reduce your symptoms with these natural remedies.

Going Gray air Growth

Going Gray and Hair Growth

Going gray doesn’t have to be a negative thing if you are taking good care of your hair along with your body in general. “Granny hair” continues to trend with young women going to their salons to get their shades of gray while those aging gracefully with natural grays are daringly showing off their hair that doesn’t require such expensive attention. And some women agree it’s empowering and freeing to go gray and enjoying what can be a mesmerizingly powerful look.


Signs and Symptoms of Depression

Most of us have experienced a day or two of feeling down from time to time. It is a normal part of being a human being dealing with life’s everyday demands, work, raising children, and more. But sometimes feeling down can last longer than we realize and can become a part of us so much that we forget what it may be like to be truly happy. Dealing with the symptoms and finding ways to get a clear plan and positive thinking can bring more joy and peace to your world.

Skin Care

Your Best Natural Skin Care Tips

Having beautiful skin is more than just a confidence-booster – it’s a barometer of your current state of health from the outside in. Did you know that everything you put on your skin will get absorbed into your body? Even your favorite skin care products can be full of harmful ingredients, toxins, and chemicals? The good news is natural skin care is available, and their long list of benefits will go beyond the skin. Get radiant skin and glow from the inside out!

Essential Fatty Acids

Why You Need Essential Fatty Acids

Essential fatty acids play a very important role in the prevention and treatment of inflammatory conditions among other things. They are the healthy fats that give your body the natural defense mechanism it needs to reduce inflammation and improve your immune system. EFAs have powerful healing properties worth investigating. But what depletes your EFA’s and what would you gain by increasing your EFA intake?

Fountain Youth

Looking for the Fountain of Youth?

So, it appears the long-sought-after fountain of youth isn’t a fountain at all… Legends aside, who doesn’t want to look younger while aging gracefully? From diet and exercise to reducing stress and of course choosing the right beauty care products — you can take years off your skin and body naturally. The secret to a more radiant youthful appearance lies within your reach with these simple everyday anti-aging lifestyle habits.


12 Ways To Lower Your Cortisol Levels

Have you had your cortisol levels checked? It may be time to do so. Cortisol is a naturally occurring hormone that is produced in response to stress. However, persistent high cortisol levels can disrupt the healthy balance in your body. This may cause you to experience unwanted changes such as weight gain, sleep issues, mood swings and more. Ready to get your cortisol levels in balance?


Juicing to Good Health

Can’t chow down another piece of raw spinach or another piece of baby carrot, no matter how great the salad dressing or the dip was? Juicing as the name suggests, is the extraction of the liquid nutrition from fresh fruits and vegetables to create a drinkable cocktail full of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. For a lot of us, juicing just feels like an easier way to consume a lot of nutrients that we would otherwise not be able to.