Functional Nutritionist

When Should You Work with a Functional Nutritionist?

Do you have questions about functional nutrition counseling? A functional nutritionist trained in Functional Medicine has an approach that goes much further and can include advanced laboratory testing, therapeutic dietary and supplement plans, and lifestyle interventions. It is a multi-facet approach that takes into consideration your whole person. If you want a customized program just for you, engaging a functional nutritionist with a holistic and integrative approach is the way to go.

Great Time Think Detox

It’s a Great Time to Think Detox

Every year we vow to be a little less indulgent but let’s face it — life is short, and who doesn’t love great food or a special bottle of wine during our celebrations? The good news is you don’t have to wait to start the process of detoxifying your body and getting back some control in your diet as we enter the new year. If you are ready for your overhaul, this is a time to shed toxins and get a whole-body cleanse while rebuilding your system.

Lose weight menopause

How to Lose Weight During Menopause

Once you understand your very own unique hormonal situation, you may want to consider a diet plan that is tailored to your needs to help you get better control over your weight loss efforts during this hormonal transition that we call menopause. Regardless of the type of diet you choose, you do not have to spend your menopausal years gaining weight and feeling miserable. The right diet can make it much easier to get the weight off.

Lifestyle Changes Menopause

Simple Lifestyle Changes For a Happier Menopause

As you enter what is known as menopause, there are physical and emotional challenges that come with it but if managed well, it can be an exciting new stage of your life! If you are in the midst of the challenges and symptoms associated with the hormonal change, don’t fret. There are simple and easy lifestyle changes you can adopt now for a happier healthier menopause. Find practical tips to combat these challenges without going too overboard.

benefits walking weight loss

17 Benefits of Walking For Weight Loss

The health benefits of walking are well noted in the research literature. Yes, this free and simple exercise can help you ten-fold now and even prepare you for your later years. And, did you know that walking three to six hours a week is a great way to lose weight, burn fat and calories? Get the ’17 Benefits of Walking for Weight Loss’ and more. Timing isn’t super critical when it comes to walking…so just get started. It’s time to get in some good old-fashioned walking!

Protein Powder

What is the Best Protein Powder

Who doesn’t love a tasty, nourishing, high protein smoothie when the weather is warm, and you want to keep it light? Sifting through the number of choices when it comes to protein powders can be pretty overwhelming and even scary. Whether you are following a plant-based or Paleo diet or seeking weight loss, there is a protein type for you. Here’s the scoop on some of the best protein powder types to help you make your decision.

Genetics Weight Loss

Latest on Genetics and Weight Loss

What does genetics have to do with weight loss? Or does it? Have you tried and tried, earnestly to lose weight for years and although you may drop a few pounds trying every diet plan possible, the bottom line is, you are still overweight and struggling. And you are not alone. The good news is while genes may mean you have challenges losing weight — it doesn’t mean weight loss is impossible. It just means you may need a different strategy to win it.

Stress Weight Gain

10 Tips to Stop Stress and Weight Gain

Ever wonder why the pounds are starting to creep up? A stressed-out lifestyle and loss of control of healthy habits like a good diet could be the root cause. Perhaps your cortisol levels are on the rise? This disruption is not only promoting weight gain, but it can also affect where you put on the weight. A mindful eating practice helps you to pause between your triggers and avoid stress eating. Get the helpful 10 Tips here and start losing today.

Health Benefits Bone Broth

Health Benefits of Bone Broth

Grandma did it…so why shouldn’t we? Although the use of bone and animal parts has been used for thousands of years around the globe, in our modern world animal parts such as the bones and marrow, tendons, ligaments, skin, and feet have often been discarded. It is well known that bone broth has lots to offer in terms of astounding health benefits and healing. Adding broth to your daily diet can have profound effects on your overall health.

Toxins Can Impact Your Weight Loss Goals

Toxins Can Impact Your Weight Loss Goals

Toxins are everywhere. In today’s environment, everyone without exception is exposed to a wide variety of fat-soluble toxins that tend to accumulate in body fat. Managing your detoxification systems to get rid of your body’s toxic load will help to your jump-start weight loss and keep the pounds off for life. Evidence also shows that removing toxins from your body has positive health-promoting effects!