Functional Nutritionist

When Should You Work with a Functional Nutritionist?

Do you have questions about functional nutrition counseling? A functional nutritionist trained in Functional Medicine has an approach that goes much further and can include advanced laboratory testing, therapeutic dietary and supplement plans, and lifestyle interventions. It is a multi-facet approach that takes into consideration your whole person. If you want a customized program just for you, engaging a functional nutritionist with a holistic and integrative approach is the way to go.

GMO Food List Avoid

The GMO Food List to Avoid

You might have caught a glimpse into the controversial world of GMOs. Mounting evidence suggests that consuming GMO foods may pose negative health effects on your body and our environment. It is therefore essential that you become an educated consumer. This list details which GMO foods to avoid. You may also be wondering what practical changes you can start to make ensure that your diet is cleaner than yesterday. Lots! Here’s what you can do to stay connected, and to eat cleaner and healthier.

GMO Awareness

GMO Awareness: What You Need to Know

What is GMO? Learn what GMO is and what it means to the food you put on your dinner table. Discover the impact it might have on your health and your loved ones. It is estimated that as much as 75% of all food products (processed and unprocessed) sold in our grocery stores contain GMO ingredients. Discover the truths and myths about GMO products, and how to identify and avoid them. Be in the know and get helpful resources to make your dinner table a safer place to eat.

Coffee vs Tea: How to Choose?

Should you drink coffee or a cup of tea? Could be a toss-up. Hot or cold, caffeinated or not, these two drinks have some great health benefits and some downsides. Drinking coffee is such a daily ritual for so many of us. On the flip side, here’s to the tea lovers of the world. If you are sensitive to caffeine, how much are you taking in when you drink coffee vs tea. Whether into coffee or tea, quality does matter too. Be in the know so you can go ahead and enjoy your coffee or have a fun tea party. Totally worth it!

Home Remedies Good Sleep

34 Home Remedies for Good Sleep

Without good sleep, even a great diet and lifestyle may not be enough to keep you healthy. If you think you might be struggling with getting good sleep, look no further. Read on and get a jump start with these simple 34 natural home remedies that you can try today to get some well-deserved rest. Get refreshing tips to create the best sleep environment from diet to the right ambiance in your bedroom. Sleep is so critical to your overall well-being that you definitely don’t want to be without your Zzz’s.


What is CBD Oil?

Have you caught a ride on the CBD wave yet? It’s almost hard to miss as cannabidiol moves its way into the mainstream market and more studies are uncovering its amazing benefits. CBD has been used for thousands of years to treat various types of pain, but the medical benefits are much more far-reaching today. Let’s have a look at why you may want to consider how you can feel better from a long list of health issues that CBD may help. Here are just 15 amazing reasons why CBD oil may be so important for achieving optimal health

magnesium-rich foods

25 Healthy Magnesium-Rich Foods

The majority of the magnesium in your body is stored in your bones, muscles and soft tissues. It is easy to become deficient in magnesium because either we do not consume enough magnesium-rich foods or our lifestyle such as high stress depletes our magnesium stores. Knowing how essential magnesium is for your body, what can you do to consume enough of this critically wonderful nutrient? Fortunately, adding magnesium-rich foods in your daily diet is a very simple way to up your magnesium levels.

Benefits Magnesium

Many Health Benefits of Magnesium

Magnesium is one of the most important elements your body needs, in addition to oxygen, water, and basic food. You need magnesium for over 350 chemical reactions in your body so it is vital to increase your magnesium intake from food or supplements. This important mineral can be found in your bones, teeth, and red blood cells. The level of magnesium in your body can be affected by many factors so knowing how to ensure adequate levels will provide you with many health benefits.


Benefits of Supplements and What to Take

Even if you are already eating your fruits and veggies, getting enough sunlight, staying well hydrated, exercising and sleeping well — here are five powerful reasons why getting a supplemental source of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients – is ESSENTIAL no matter how healthy you think you are. From vitamins to minerals to weight loss pills and beyond, there are thousands of options to choose from. But do you really need any of them? Do they really work, and if so, which ones are best?

Functional Nutrition

What is Functional Nutrition

The job of a Functional Nutritionist is to closely look at how food “functions” in your body not just to make sure you get nourishment but also to see what kinds of foods are influencing your overall health daily and beyond. After all – we eat every day and what we eat impacts our biochemistry. The best part of a functional nutrition approach is that it is not a one-size-fits-all when it comes to looking at your overall health. Your unique biochemistry and lifestyle matter on every level.