Benefits Magnesium

Many Health Benefits of Magnesium

Magnesium is one of the most important elements your body needs, in addition to oxygen, water, and basic food. You need magnesium for over 350 chemical reactions in your body so it is vital to increase your magnesium intake from food or supplements. This important mineral can be found in your bones, teeth, and red blood cells. The level of magnesium in your body can be affected by many factors so knowing how to ensure adequate levels will provide you with many health benefits.

Night Sweats Insomnia

Stop Night Sweats and Insomnia

Night sweats are one of the most common symptoms of menopause, which typically begins in a woman’s late 40s to early 50s. You may be among the 75% of menopausal women who experiences night sweats. And as if memory lapses weren’t enough, sleep problems more than doubles during menopause. If you are struggling with menopausal symptoms there is hope. Here are steps you can take to get a handle on night sweats and insomnia.

hot flashes

Hot Flashes – Get the Support You Need

Dealing with hot flashes is not fun. However, hot flashes are one of the most common complaints during the menopausal transition. They are known to strike anytime so being prepared with a natural approach offers hope for hot flash sufferers. “Going natural” in treating hot flashes should be your first approach. The important part of dealing with the trials of menopause is to stay positive and be willing to try different alternatives.