Functional foods

Top 25 Functional Foods For Health

Today there is a rise in popularity of some so-called “superfoods.” This widespread trend is to add more nutrient-dense foods into the diet. You may also have started to hear these superfoods referred to as functional foods. Adding these foods to your diet from this simple short list of functional foods is not a daunting task. These foods can easily be found at your local supermarkets. So, let today be the day to jump on the bandwagon and get more functional foods in your diet.


The Love for Smoothies

Making a smoothie is a blending process that makes use of the entire fruit and/or vegetable, skin and pulp included. Smoothies are an excellent way to get all the essential nutrients your body needs. You do not need to replace any of your meals with a smoothie to reap its benefits. You just need to be smart about your choice of ingredients. The health benefits of smoothies range from weight loss, improved digestion and immunity to healthier skin, nails and overall glow.