Lose weight menopause

How to Lose Weight During Menopause

Once you understand your very own unique hormonal situation, you may want to consider a diet plan that is tailored to your needs to help you get better control over your weight loss efforts during this hormonal transition that we call menopause. Regardless of the type of diet you choose, you do not have to spend your menopausal years gaining weight and feeling miserable. The right diet can make it much easier to get the weight off.

healthy hormone detox smoothie

Healthy Hormone Detox Smoothie

A combination of flaxseeds, coconut oil, and maca powder has been known to provide great assistance to your body to rebalance your hormones especially as you manage your menopause symptoms. Flaxseeds contain compounds called lignans, which have been shown to help your body regulate the levels of estrogen in your body. Maca powder is not only great for regulating your thyroid; they are also great hormones balancers.

Lifestyle Changes Menopause

Simple Lifestyle Changes For a Happier Menopause

As you enter what is known as menopause, there are physical and emotional challenges that come with it but if managed well, it can be an exciting new stage of your life! If you are in the midst of the challenges and symptoms associated with the hormonal change, don’t fret. There are simple and easy lifestyle changes you can adopt now for a happier healthier menopause. Find practical tips to combat these challenges without going too overboard.

Understanding Menopause Weight Gain

Understanding Menopause and Weight Gain

On average, women gain 12 to 15 pounds between the ages of 45 and 55 as they enter and live through menopause. It is almost unavoidable not to put on a few pounds when your hormones fluctuate. Any shift in any one of their levels can disrupt the delicate balance needed to maintain your ideal weight. Learn more about these hormones as the remedy to weight gain can be as simple as correcting your hormonal balance.

hot flashes

Hot Flashes – Get the Support You Need

Dealing with hot flashes is not fun. However, hot flashes are one of the most common complaints during the menopausal transition. They are known to strike anytime so being prepared with a natural approach offers hope for hot flash sufferers. “Going natural” in treating hot flashes should be your first approach. The important part of dealing with the trials of menopause is to stay positive and be willing to try different alternatives.


Natural Simple Approaches to Menopause

Menopause is a special period of transition for women created by changing hormones, specifically estrogen and progesterone. Over forty percent of women experience significant menopause symptoms. A menopause diet high in plant-based phytoestrogens and recognized superfoods can get your symptoms under control. Get more relief with the “10 Natural Home Remedies for Menopause” and latest remedies for hot flashes for a natural approach.