Stress Weight Gain

10 Tips to Stop Stress and Weight Gain

Ever wonder why the pounds are starting to creep up? A stressed-out lifestyle and loss of control of healthy habits like a good diet could be the root cause. Perhaps your cortisol levels are on the rise? This disruption is not only promoting weight gain, but it can also affect where you put on the weight. A mindful eating practice helps you to pause between your triggers and avoid stress eating. Get the helpful 10 Tips here and start losing today.

Manage Stress

How to Manage Stress

You’re stressed, and it’s beginning to show — unfortunately — in more ways than one. Long-term stress can have negative effects on your health and lead to changes in your body such as disease and weight gain. Identifying the causes of stress and what you can do to manage stress is the key to a healthy balance. You may not be able to control all the stressors around you, but you can alter your reaction to them, so you can bounce back more quickly.