Is Fish Oil Good for you

Is Fish Oil Good for you?

Have you jumped on the fish oils bandwagon yet? Maybe you are on the fence, however, the importance of fish oils for optimal health cannot be overstated. The best news, especially for baby boomers looking for the “fountain of youth” is the growing evidence that suggests omega-3 fatty acids affect our telomeres and DNA which could potentially reduce the signs of aging. Coupled with other benefits for improved fat burning, diminished heart disease, more brainpower and not to mention better skin and hair too.

brain health

Brain Health – Brain Boosting Foods

It is important to note that our brains are always changing in a process called neuroplasticity or “brain plasticity” as we age. This plasticity determines the ability of the brain to modify its connections or rewire itself. Eating well and following a healthy lifestyle is good for your mental as well as your physical health. Learn about ‘8 Brain-Boosting’ foods and the best brain supplements to keep your grey matter happy and healthy.