Rainbow Salad

Rainbow Salad Recipe

A rainbow diet is the best diet because it includes foods from all the color groups – green, orange, yellow, blue/ purple, red and even white. A “Rainbow Salad” will ensure your body gets nutritious food and rich antioxidants, not to mention a healthy and low carb diet. This recipe is a sure way to get in all the color food groups with its fruits, vegetables, and healing spices in one dish. One serving offers a lot of health benefits, including weight loss. So reach for the rainbow and get your daily dose of plentiful nutrients.

Heartwarming Vegetable Soup Recipe

Heartwarming Vegetable Soup Recipe

This easy vegetable soup recipe is sure to warm you up on those chilly days. It is a delicious vegetable soup that provides immune-boosting nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Other favorable health benefits include improved blood sugar balance, increased metabolism, enhanced digestion and can even help with weight loss goals. Enjoy the rainbow of colors from the vegetable variety in your bowl!