Salad in Mason Jar

Salad in a Mason Jar

This Salad in a Mason Jar is so nutritious and chock-full with loads of antioxidants and vitamins like B6, magnesium, potassium, copper, and manganese. Like most vegetables and fruits, it is very low in calories and packed with essential dietary fiber that should be included as part of your healthy daily diet. All these vegetables contain tons of nutrients that are vital for optimal health. Serving this salad in a jar makes it oh so portable for a healthy meal or snack on-the-go! Best of all, no messy chopping and no clean up!

Alkalizing Detox Vegetable Broth

Alkalizing Detox Vegetable Broth

This is a very simple and easy detox broth that you can make in a large batch and use it over the next couple of months. You can enjoy this broth straight up or you can use it as a base to make some delicious soups. The beauty of this alkalizing detox broth is that it is very forgiving in terms of flavor. You can easily add any vegetable for added health benefits. Enjoy the alkalizing effect by sipping on a delicious cup of your vegetable broth every day!

Green Juice Immunity recipe

Green Juice for Immunity Recipe

The ingredients used in this wonderful “Green Juice for Immunity” recipe are all excellent antioxidant powerhouses that have amazing anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that can help improve and maintain your immune system health. Balanced with colored vegetables and fruits such as carrots and golden beets, will give your immune system that boost that it needs to stay strong.

Bone Broth Recipe

Bone Broth Recipe

Cooking bone broth brings back many traditional memories and it is easy to get started with this recipe. First, you will have to head over to your local butcher to purchase your bones. It will be well worth your efforts as bone broth is one of the most nutrient-dense foods. It is one of the best healing foods for digestive disorders, inflammation, immune system, joint and muscles, detoxification and many other health conditions. Bone broth is restorative for the whole body, mind and spirit!

Healthy Butter Chicken

Healthy Butter Chicken

My favourite Indian restaurant here is named Saffron, for obvious reasons after the flavourful spice, and it absolutely delicious. It’s for the special occasions where you just have to indulge in exquisite food; my birthday, my graduation, my dad’s birthday, lunch with the Mr, a random law school lunch, and that time we just had to have Indian food ordered at home.