I am off my insulin and my blood sugar is less than 100. I am 42 years old and have had type 2 diabetes for 23 years. For the past couple of years, I have been having a hard time controlling my blood sugar levels. I heard about Angela and decided to have a session with her because the medication my doctor gave me was not enough to control my blood sugar. I had been prescribed insulin and was not happy about taking it. When I first met Angela I was not sure if I was going to be able to change my lifestyle. However, I did it and I feel so much better. I have more energy, my sleeping is much better and I now sleep like a baby. I am very satisfied with my food diet. My digestive system is much better. I now burn calories more quickly. My bowel movements have improved. My stress is less. I lost 38 lbs. I used to weigh 158 lbs. and now weight 120 lbs. I am off my insulin and my blood sugar is less than 100 on a regular basis. My expectations with Angela have been met and surpassed. I know that I still have to continue with my efforts to maintain my blood sugar levels so the problem doesn’t come back. It is only four months since I started my program and I so am happy I met Angela.